Setup libraries

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.plotly as pl
import plotly.offline as of
import cufflinks as cf
import datetime as dt
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
of.init_notebook_mode(connected = True)

Load Datafiles

In [4]:
donations = pd.read_csv('Donations.csv')
In [5]:
donors = pd.read_csv('Donors.csv')
/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/core/ DtypeWarning:

Columns (4) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.

In [6]:
projects = pd.read_csv('Projects.csv')
In [7]:
resources = pd.read_csv('Resources.csv')
In [8]:
schools = pd.read_csv('Schools.csv')
In [9]:
teachers = pd.read_csv('Teachers.csv')

Describe and show data for column ideas

In [10]:
print('Shape of donations dataframe is:' , donations.shape)
print('Shape of donors dataframe is:' , donors.shape)
print('Shape of projects dataframe is:' , projects.shape)
print('Shape of resources dataframe is:' , resources.shape)
print('Shape of schools dataframe is:' , schools.shape)
print('Shape of teachers dataframe is:' , teachers.shape)
Shape of donations dataframe is: (4687884, 7)
Shape of donors dataframe is: (2122640, 5)
Shape of projects dataframe is: (1110017, 18)
Shape of resources dataframe is: (7210448, 5)
Shape of schools dataframe is: (72993, 9)
Shape of teachers dataframe is: (402900, 3)
In [11]:
Project ID Donation ID Donor ID Donation Included Optional Donation Donation Amount Donor Cart Sequence Donation Received Date
0 000009891526c0ade7180f8423792063 688729120858666221208529ee3fc18e 1f4b5b6e68445c6c4a0509b3aca93f38 No 178.37 11 2016-08-23 13:15:57
1 000009891526c0ade7180f8423792063 dcf1071da3aa3561f91ac689d1f73dee 4aaab6d244bf3599682239ed5591af8a Yes 25.00 2 2016-06-06 20:05:23
2 000009891526c0ade7180f8423792063 18a234b9d1e538c431761d521ea7799d 0b0765dc9c759adc48a07688ba25e94e Yes 20.00 3 2016-06-06 14:08:46
3 000009891526c0ade7180f8423792063 38d2744bf9138b0b57ed581c76c0e2da 377944ad61f72d800b25ec1862aec363 Yes 25.00 1 2016-05-15 10:23:04
4 000009891526c0ade7180f8423792063 5a032791e31167a70206bfb86fb60035 6d5b22d39e68c656071a842732c63a0c Yes 25.00 2 2016-05-17 01:23:38
In [12]:
Donor ID Donor City Donor State Donor Is Teacher Donor Zip
0 00000ce845c00cbf0686c992fc369df4 Evanston Illinois No 602
1 00002783bc5d108510f3f9666c8b1edd Appomattox other No 245
2 00002d44003ed46b066607c5455a999a Winton California Yes 953
3 00002eb25d60a09c318efbd0797bffb5 Indianapolis Indiana No 462
4 0000300773fe015f870914b42528541b Paterson New Jersey No 075
In [13]:
Project ID School ID Teacher ID Teacher Project Posted Sequence Project Type Project Title Project Essay Project Short Description Project Need Statement Project Subject Category Tree Project Subject Subcategory Tree Project Grade Level Category Project Resource Category Project Cost Project Posted Date Project Expiration Date Project Current Status Project Fully Funded Date
0 7685f0265a19d7b52a470ee4bac883ba e180c7424cb9c68cb49f141b092a988f 4ee5200e89d9e2998ec8baad8a3c5968 25 Teacher-Led Stand Up to Bullying: Together We Can! Did you know that 1-7 students in grades K-12 ... Did you know that 1-7 students in grades K-12 ... My students need 25 copies of "Bullying in Sch... Applied Learning Character Education, Early Development Grades PreK-2 Technology 361.80 2013-01-01 2013-05-30 Fully Funded 2013-01-11
1 f9f4af7099061fb4bf44642a03e5c331 08b20f1e2125103ed7aa17e8d76c71d4 cca2d1d277fb4adb50147b49cdc3b156 3 Teacher-Led Learning in Color! Help us have a fun, interactive listening cent... Help us have a fun, interactive listening cent... My students need a listening center, read alon... Applied Learning, Literacy & Language Early Development, Literacy Grades PreK-2 Technology 512.85 2013-01-01 2013-05-31 Expired NaN
2 afd99a01739ad5557b51b1ba0174e832 1287f5128b1f36bf8434e5705a7cc04d 6c5bd0d4f20547a001628aefd71de89e 1 Teacher-Led Help Second Grade ESL Students Develop Languag... Visiting or moving to a new place can be very ... Visiting or moving to a new place can be very ... My students need beginning vocabulary audio ca... Literacy & Language ESL Grades PreK-2 Supplies 435.92 2013-01-01 2013-05-30 Fully Funded 2013-05-22
3 c614a38bb1a5e68e2ae6ad9d94bb2492 900fec9cd7a3188acbc90586a09584ef 8ed6f8181d092a8f4c008b18d18e54ad 40 Teacher-Led Help Bilingual Students Strengthen Reading Com... Students at our school are still working hard ... Students at our school are still working hard ... My students need one copy of each book in The ... Literacy & Language ESL, Literacy Grades 3-5 Books 161.26 2013-01-01 2013-05-31 Fully Funded 2013-02-06
4 ec82a697fab916c0db0cdad746338df9 3b200e7fe3e6dde3c169c02e5fb5ae86 893173d62775f8be7c30bf4220ad0c33 2 Teacher-Led Help Us Make Each Minute Count! "Idle hands" were something that Issac Watts s... "Idle hands" were something that Issac Watts s... My students need items such as Velcro, two pou... Special Needs Special Needs Grades 3-5 Supplies 264.19 2013-01-01 2013-05-30 Fully Funded 2013-01-01
In [14]:
Project ID Resource Item Name Resource Quantity Resource Unit Price Resource Vendor Name
0 000009891526c0ade7180f8423792063 chair move and store cart 1.0 350.00 NaN
1 00000ce845c00cbf0686c992fc369df4 sony mdr zx100 blk headphones 40.0 12.86 CDW-G
2 00002d44003ed46b066607c5455a999a gaiam kids stay-n-play balance ball, grey 4.0 19.00 Amazon Business
3 00002d44003ed46b066607c5455a999a cf520x - giant comfy pillows - set of 4 1.0 269.00 Lakeshore Learning Materials
4 00002d44003ed46b066607c5455a999a serta lounger, mini, sky blue 1.0 131.85 Amazon Business
In [15]:
School ID School Name School Metro Type School Percentage Free Lunch School State School Zip School City School County School District
0 00003e0fdd601b8ea0a6eb44057b9c5e Capon Bridge Middle School rural 56.0 West Virginia 26711 Capon Bridge Hampshire Hampshire Co School District
1 00004e32a448b4832e1b993500bf0731 The Woodlands College Park High School urban 41.0 Texas 77384 The Woodlands Montgomery Conroe Ind School District
2 0002021bb799f28de224f1acc1ff08c4 Samantha Smith Elementary School suburban 2.0 Washington 98074 Sammamish King Lake Washington Sch Dist 414
3 0004604f675212a8cac1161338265196 Kingsbury Country Day School unknown 76.0 Michigan 48370 Oxford Oakland Michigan Dept Of Education
4 0004c9d50bcf0cea990f844e58b5e2c3 Redwater Elementary School rural 50.0 Texas 75573 Redwater Bowie Redwater Ind Sch District
In [16]:
Teacher ID Teacher Prefix Teacher First Project Posted Date
0 00000f7264c27ba6fea0c837ed6aa0aa Mrs. 2013-08-21
1 00002d44003ed46b066607c5455a999a Mrs. 2016-10-23
2 00006084c3d92d904a22e0a70f5c119a Mr. 2016-09-08
3 0000a9af8b6b9cc9e41f53322a8b8cf1 Ms. 2015-10-25
4 0000d4777d14b33a1406dd6c9019fe89 Ms. 2017-02-10
In [17]:
Donation Amount Donor Cart Sequence
count 4.687884e+06 4.687884e+06
mean 6.066879e+01 1.430545e+02
std 1.668996e+02 8.723086e+02
min 1.000000e-02 1.000000e+00
25% 1.482000e+01 1.000000e+00
50% 2.500000e+01 2.000000e+00
75% 5.000000e+01 1.200000e+01
max 6.000000e+04 1.811600e+04
In [18]:
Donor ID Donor City Donor State Donor Is Teacher Donor Zip
count 2122640 1909543 2122640 2122640 1942580
unique 2122640 15204 52 2 1934
top b3cef1ca2a1ebf1cacabe0ed8fe24d2c Chicago California No 606
freq 1 34352 294695 1910355 34628
In [19]:
Teacher Project Posted Sequence Project Cost
count 1.110017e+06 1.110017e+06
mean 1.124050e+01 7.415240e+02
std 2.595475e+01 1.083256e+03
min 1.000000e+00 3.529000e+01
25% 1.000000e+00 3.351200e+02
50% 3.000000e+00 5.153500e+02
75% 9.000000e+00 8.675200e+02
max 4.970000e+02 2.557377e+05
In [20]:
Resource Quantity Resource Unit Price
count 7.186149e+06 7.186138e+06
mean 2.816518e+00 5.341337e+01
std 8.866547e+00 1.863248e+02
min 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
25% 1.000000e+00 7.260000e+00
50% 1.000000e+00 1.439000e+01
75% 2.000000e+00 3.640000e+01
max 4.125000e+03 9.708550e+04
In [21]:
School Percentage Free Lunch School Zip
count 71852.000000 72993.000000
mean 58.556115 53382.093406
std 25.508378 29131.096568
min 0.000000 705.000000
25% 40.000000 29554.000000
50% 61.000000 53095.000000
75% 80.000000 78572.000000
max 100.000000 99950.000000
In [22]:
Teacher ID Teacher Prefix Teacher First Project Posted Date
count 402900 402872 402900
unique 402900 6 4699
top 9f53c298ed4059df5d3fa609d4a6b384 Mrs. 2015-09-13
freq 1 202142 2067

Create new data by using the datasets

In [23]:
data = pd.merge(donations , projects , how='inner' , on = 'Project ID')
In [24]:
data2 = pd.merge(data , donors , how='inner' , on='Donor ID')
In [32]:
data3 = pd.merge(data2 , schools , how='inner' , on='School ID')
In [27]:
data4 = pd.merge(data3, teachers , how='inner' , on='Teacher ID')
In [28]:
Project ID Donation ID Donor ID Donation Included Optional Donation Donation Amount Donor Cart Sequence Donation Received Date School ID Teacher ID Teacher Project Posted Sequence ... School Name School Metro Type School Percentage Free Lunch School State School Zip School City School County School District Teacher Prefix Teacher First Project Posted Date
0 000009891526c0ade7180f8423792063 688729120858666221208529ee3fc18e 1f4b5b6e68445c6c4a0509b3aca93f38 No 178.37 11 2016-08-23 13:15:57 5aa86a53f658c198fd4e42c541411c76 6d5b22d39e68c656071a842732c63a0c 6 ... Oquirrh Hills Middle School suburban 23.0 Utah 84065 Riverton Salt Lake Jordan School District Mr. 2015-09-19
1 3cd4f1c5cfa0d495dadfead3153c936d 21aaadfba0becc3f052decf88cd31a75 1f4b5b6e68445c6c4a0509b3aca93f38 No 148.29 25 2017-03-30 01:34:18 5aa86a53f658c198fd4e42c541411c76 6d5b22d39e68c656071a842732c63a0c 11 ... Oquirrh Hills Middle School suburban 23.0 Utah 84065 Riverton Salt Lake Jordan School District Mr. 2015-09-19
2 8d9e1ec79b729185b7c61c6b57710b0d 1e20c3d1bce4a3def3a454868d29af30 1f4b5b6e68445c6c4a0509b3aca93f38 No 88.28 46 2017-10-19 17:59:52 5aa86a53f658c198fd4e42c541411c76 6d5b22d39e68c656071a842732c63a0c 19 ... Oquirrh Hills Middle School suburban 23.0 Utah 84065 Riverton Salt Lake Jordan School District Mr. 2015-09-19
3 9c5e7c5dd9a279e24147f101588c30fa a2f24f363db1c03284a08ec1a863e467 1f4b5b6e68445c6c4a0509b3aca93f38 No 305.69 71 2018-01-25 17:01:41 5aa86a53f658c198fd4e42c541411c76 6d5b22d39e68c656071a842732c63a0c 21 ... Oquirrh Hills Middle School suburban 23.0 Utah 84065 Riverton Salt Lake Jordan School District Mr. 2015-09-19
4 b27c621c6cf61afa61e3a612193a11b2 821c83c092f4a97e416ced7747dde16c 1f4b5b6e68445c6c4a0509b3aca93f38 No 290.33 22 2016-12-22 15:51:26 5aa86a53f658c198fd4e42c541411c76 6d5b22d39e68c656071a842732c63a0c 9 ... Oquirrh Hills Middle School suburban 23.0 Utah 84065 Riverton Salt Lake Jordan School District Mr. 2015-09-19

5 rows × 38 columns

In [29]:
a = data4.columns.values.tolist()
['Project ID',
 'Donation ID',
 'Donor ID',
 'Donation Included Optional Donation',
 'Donation Amount',
 'Donor Cart Sequence',
 'Donation Received Date',
 'School ID',
 'Teacher ID',
 'Teacher Project Posted Sequence',
 'Project Type',
 'Project Title',
 'Project Essay',
 'Project Short Description',
 'Project Need Statement',
 'Project Subject Category Tree',
 'Project Subject Subcategory Tree',
 'Project Grade Level Category',
 'Project Resource Category',
 'Project Cost',
 'Project Posted Date',
 'Project Expiration Date',
 'Project Current Status',
 'Project Fully Funded Date',
 'Donor City',
 'Donor State',
 'Donor Is Teacher',
 'Donor Zip',
 'School Name',
 'School Metro Type',
 'School Percentage Free Lunch',
 'School State',
 'School Zip',
 'School City',
 'School County',
 'School District',
 'Teacher Prefix',
 'Teacher First Project Posted Date']

Which 10 states have the most number of schools that opened projects to gather donations ? Plot the data using bar plot.

In [30]:
s = schools['School State'].value_counts().sort_values(ascending = False).head(10)
California        8457
Texas             6485
New York          3819
Florida           3302
Illinois          3126
Michigan          2653
Ohio              2546
North Carolina    2543
Pennsylvania      2163
Georgia           2125
Name: School State, dtype: int64
In [31]:
s.iplot(kind='bar' , xTitle='States' , yTitle='Number of schools' , title='Number of schools involved in projects by states')

What are the top 10 states in which schools gathered most amount of AVERAGE donations for their projects ?

In [33]:
s2 = data4.groupby('School State')['Donation Amount'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False).head(10)
School State
Wyoming                 130.232248
Hawaii                   95.364167
Massachusetts            77.926463
Rhode Island             72.429974
District of Columbia     70.693202
North Dakota             69.777091
Washington               69.161616
New Jersey               68.586876
Montana                  67.186760
Alaska                   66.990084
Name: Donation Amount, dtype: float64
In [34]:
s2.iplot(kind='bar' , xTitle='State' , yTitle='Average donation per project' 
         , title='Top 10 states(with maximum doantion)' , colorscale='paired' )

Analyse the Maximum , minimum , mean ,meadian and 25 and 75% percentiles of Donations?

In [35]:
mean = np.mean(data4['Donation Amount'].dropna())
median = np.median(data4['Donation Amount'].dropna())
percentiles = np.percentile(data4['Donation Amount'].dropna() ,[25,75])
minimum = data4['Donation Amount'].dropna().min()
maximum = data4['Donation Amount'].dropna().max()

print('mean donation amount is:' ,np.round(mean,2))
print('median donation amount is:' ,median)
print('25% and 75% donation amount is:' ,percentiles)
print('minimum donation amount is:' ,minimum)
print('maximum donation amount is:' ,maximum)
mean donation amount is: 61.03
median donation amount is: 25.0
25% and 75% donation amount is: [15. 50.]
minimum donation amount is: 0.01
maximum donation amount is: 60000.0

We can immediately observe from above statistics that our Donations Amount column have lots of outliers since mean is 60 whereas median is 25 which shows that there are plenty of outliers causing mean to rise, second indicator is that we have 25th and 75th percentiles both below than mean. In other words although %75 percent of our data smaller than 50 we have a mean values which is 60.66 which is also a good indicator of outliers. Lastly we can easily say that maximum value is a huge outlier too.

In which percent the data has points greater or smaller than the value shown in the x axis.

In [36]:
x = np.sort(data4["Donation Amount"].dropna())
y = np.arange(1,len(x)+1)/len(x)
plt.plot(x,y,marker = '.')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1c94bd8080>]

In which states there are more donations done by donors.

In [37]:
s3 = data4.groupby('Donor State')['Donation ID'].count().sort_values(ascending = False).head(15)
Donor State
California        693577
New York          350553
Texas             271348
Illinois          230350
Florida           229542
North Carolina    194465
other             184324
Pennsylvania      148752
Georgia           147897
Massachusetts     136845
Michigan          119337
Indiana           117470
Virginia          111740
New Jersey        109926
Ohio              107401
Name: Donation ID, dtype: int64
In [38]:
s3.iplot(kind='bar' , xTitle='State',yTitle='Number of donations',title='Donations count',colorscale='paired')

Now, it is time for a more advanced question ? Is there a relationship between the number of projects offered and number of donations made by the donors. Which states performing better in this case ? How many of them responding project requests below average and which states are performing best in terms of donations per project ? In order to answer this question we must first get the number of projects per state and then number of donations made per state. Then we should merge this two and plot a scatter plot to visualize it . Lets do it !

In [39]:
s4 = schools['School State'].value_counts()
s5 = data4.groupby('Donor State')['Donation ID'].count()
df = pd.concat([s4,s5],axis=1,keys=['Projects','Donations'])
/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ FutureWarning:

Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

In [40]:
df = df.dropna()
In [41]:
Projects Donations
Alabama 1141.0 50002
Alaska 273.0 10729
Arizona 1529.0 83092
Arkansas 923.0 28021
California 8457.0 693577
In [42]:
         yTitle='Donations',title='Projects vs Donations',

fit a linear model which will basically indicate the relationship between projects and donations.

In [43]:
slope,intercept = np.polyfit(df.Projects,df.Donations,1)
x = np.array([df.Projects.min(),df.Projects.max()])
y = slope*x + intercept
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1c99f33b70>]

Combine the plots

In [44]:
df.plot.scatter(x='Projects' , y='Donations')
slope,intercept = np.polyfit(df.Projects,df.Donations,1)
x = np.array([df.Projects.min(),df.Projects.max()])
y = slope*x + intercept

How mant different project types exists ? What is the total donation amount for each of them ?

In [45]:
Project ID Donation ID Donor ID Donation Included Optional Donation Donation Amount Donor Cart Sequence Donation Received Date School ID Teacher ID Teacher Project Posted Sequence ... School Name School Metro Type School Percentage Free Lunch School State School Zip School City School County School District Teacher Prefix Teacher First Project Posted Date
0 000009891526c0ade7180f8423792063 688729120858666221208529ee3fc18e 1f4b5b6e68445c6c4a0509b3aca93f38 No 178.37 11 2016-08-23 13:15:57 5aa86a53f658c198fd4e42c541411c76 6d5b22d39e68c656071a842732c63a0c 6 ... Oquirrh Hills Middle School suburban 23.0 Utah 84065 Riverton Salt Lake Jordan School District Mr. 2015-09-19
1 3cd4f1c5cfa0d495dadfead3153c936d 21aaadfba0becc3f052decf88cd31a75 1f4b5b6e68445c6c4a0509b3aca93f38 No 148.29 25 2017-03-30 01:34:18 5aa86a53f658c198fd4e42c541411c76 6d5b22d39e68c656071a842732c63a0c 11 ... Oquirrh Hills Middle School suburban 23.0 Utah 84065 Riverton Salt Lake Jordan School District Mr. 2015-09-19

2 rows × 38 columns

In [46]:
s6 = data4["Project Type"].value_counts()
Teacher-Led                 4532463
Professional Development      43217
Student-Led                   32400
Name: Project Type, dtype: int64
In [47]:
s7 = data4.groupby('Project Type')['Donation Amount'].sum().astype(int)
Project Type
Professional Development      2474442
Student-Led                   2711059
Teacher-Led                 276046772
Name: Donation Amount, dtype: int64
In [48]:
plt.pie(s6 , startangle=90)
plt.pie(s7 , startangle=90)
fig = plt.gcf()

How mant project subject category trees exists ? Which ones attracted the most donations ?

In [49]:
data4['Project Subject Category Tree'].nunique()
In [50]:
s8 = data4.groupby('Project Subject Category Tree')['Donation Amount'].sum().astype(int).sort_values(ascending = False).head(15)
Project Subject Category Tree
Literacy & Language                      59463406
Math & Science                           46378412
Literacy & Language, Math & Science      38882421
Music & The Arts                         17654172
Applied Learning                         11536010
Health & Sports                          10830324
Literacy & Language, Special Needs       10037973
Special Needs                             8669187
Applied Learning, Literacy & Language     7691442
Math & Science, Literacy & Language       6820461
History & Civics                          5612012
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts     5038590
Applied Learning, Special Needs           5036123
History & Civics, Literacy & Language     4886560
Math & Science, Applied Learning          4645578
Name: Donation Amount, dtype: int64
In [51]:
s9 = s8/1000000
s9.iplot(kind="bar" , xTitle='Project sub category' , yTitle='Donation amount in millions',
        title='Donation amount by project subject' , colorscale='paired')

Lets move to the timings now

What is the mean time that takes a project to be fully funded after posted and how it varies between states ?

In [68]:
data4[['Project Posted Date' , 'Project Fully Funded Date']].isnull().sum()
Project Posted Date               0
Project Fully Funded Date    437295
dtype: int64
In [69]:
data4[['Project Posted Date' , 'Project Fully Funded Date']].head()
Project Posted Date Project Fully Funded Date
0 2016-05-13 2016-08-23
1 2017-03-18 2017-03-30
2 2017-10-18 2017-10-19
3 2017-11-27 2018-01-25
4 2016-09-05 2016-12-22
In [70]:
data4['Project Posted Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data4['Project Posted Date'])
In [72]:
data4['Project Fully Funded Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data4['Project Fully Funded Date'])
In [74]:
data4['Funding Time'] = data4['Project Fully Funded Date'] - data4['Project Posted Date'] 
data4[['Funding Time','Project Posted Date' , 'Project Fully Funded Date']].head()
Funding Time Project Posted Date Project Fully Funded Date
0 102 days 2016-05-13 2016-08-23
1 12 days 2017-03-18 2017-03-30
2 1 days 2017-10-18 2017-10-19
3 59 days 2017-11-27 2018-01-25
4 108 days 2016-09-05 2016-12-22
In [75]:
data4[['Funding Time','Project Posted Date' , 'Project Fully Funded Date']].isnull().sum()
Funding Time                 437295
Project Posted Date               0
Project Fully Funded Date    437295
dtype: int64
In [82]:
data5 = data4[pd.notnull(data4['Funding Time'])]
data5[['Funding Time','Project Posted Date' , 'Project Fully Funded Date']].isnull().sum()
Funding Time                 0
Project Posted Date          0
Project Fully Funded Date    0
dtype: int64
In [83]:
import datetime as dt
data5['Funding Time'] = data5['Funding Time'].dt.days
In [84]:
data5[['Funding Time','Project Posted Date' , 'Project Fully Funded Date']].head()
Funding Time Project Posted Date Project Fully Funded Date
0 102 2016-05-13 2016-08-23
1 12 2017-03-18 2017-03-30
2 1 2017-10-18 2017-10-19
3 59 2017-11-27 2018-01-25
4 108 2016-09-05 2016-12-22
In [91]:
wrong_overall_mean_time = data5['Funding Time'].mean()
In [93]:
overall_mean_time = data5.groupby('Project ID')['Funding Time'].mean()
output = overall_mean_time.mean()
In [94]:
#Average funding time for each state

state_project_funding_time = data5.groupby(['School State' , 'Project ID'])['Funding Time'].mean()
School State  Project ID                      
Alabama       00002d44003ed46b066607c5455a999a     41
              000e336c167aae4394ac037e002aa2b9     58
              00105d1128dbbf4e0774804052b5bedb     27
              0014d0f8aa7dbbd5705956d7458a0d9f     15
              001a70c8fdb47880cbcde5675193b877     18
              001cbe60d003ac7325bf3ca8cf67be0b     42
              00252e58374c7d72f3267e4462d9a86c     27
              003407c494db25253e492769b0e0ffc6     10
              0034f3f70e960909e51126c9739c2de0     75
              003961552639bbc3383ebdb6be4e51bb     59
              003fc2aa7a6e054f2b72e7de63df1b5c     23
              00456338662592a8b97a9981844ceb9d      0
              00563bb84f4bfb6ce7a70ff4931a1bf2      5
              005a4893b7cefbafee36c36ec34cc7e3     38
              0063a1054836f65d6a153ef517edfeff     96
              0064b528e0ca4bd10c15b31fe4e64e1c      1
              00697de0926bf33acb393e68e30b1c55      9
              006bfd0408d99c0c0caa7e5a6bdf2c34    107
              007c0335560305015d4ed39008f3022f     55
              007e2a1a47ce50ded4538692d0bf601b     27
              00808bc28c27f6a3fb6a9d3797a662d9     22
              0081de7e65bf42b30b9850fc4953e081      2
              008ae5bc643f19e378cf1ffd13529acb     60
              009b04ade4dcee424ee12bd2f381b0c1     14
              009df62864367965fd4e74786270f28d      0
              00afbed841b7a185f6118e001a08f4aa     51
              00bcd4c2589c2efd43b77f03f74906dc     21
              00c087c76557094e7bf71cd67b37bf15      6
              00d95ffdaa204a079fa4fd130772ea20      9
              00e4e5288c9f40b93c1b3bc892b68f06      2
Wyoming       f5cee5f7de0ce54499a7635a7f99c94c     28
              f6150d93f04d032cfd4207ed4446cace      3
              f6671e6229191d98a200ee0532a6e559     19
              f66965208fe061e84665aff5290f3de1     18
              f69e791e5be65694d1b11495e1d94c24     30
              f6ffe7f3ec4a7242e2f9bd5bda8897e9     67
              f8bb2b054e18b7b001741624204083ec     15
              f8dc18fecc3dfe098ca18e186b6fcef3    120
              f96a5915fbada25996c7b1c6fb7246c4      5
              f9e581e755cfa4f3956fed4810150fc7     98
              faaf8ed3a6f62b02c449c54210c1da2d      3
              fac04e7c091a28196a8f9f7eae3fa138      2
              fae38152e398755da627ad2477356733     72
              fb095a305f62e3298909d7fb4022209e      1
              fb813da169eccb56b567ae1712dae31e     65
              fbb13653d87fa1adc3d10db55f97f1e5      1
              fc0d5c9c08c8a72bd36c72bf7a3e753d     79
              fc8cb4a9326bf548a22dd6063712b856    119
              fd0e26c548a7da4dd55200ffc38d909e      0
              fdb8994e584089dc5c410d5e6ad91591     18
              fdbc67f8b29777d8daeb87c70b6d7b93     19
              fde4d7b3a47e3d66543dcd3d07284569     94
              fde825ff46d699f3c5ec6dcd1c528a0c    105
              fdf545b9c1e146a44ce0e1b49e61d4a9      0
              fe089e917650af6a23d5aca59a39678f      6
              fe83942b407a1f868cb48b2bbeab4988     23
              febb789ba78badf633114020f1483392      2
              ff1d119bac584ec35d3740f83f3daa7d    112
              ff43f8665a9ed6a009f395b18d96734a     64
              ffbcf2e301bd4b2e80dc9faea5b02a57    110
Name: Funding Time, Length: 720847, dtype: int64
In [97]:
state_average_project_funding_time = state_project_funding_time.groupby('School State').mean()
School State
Alabama                 36.0
Alaska                  34.0
Arizona                 35.0
Arkansas                35.0
California              32.0
Colorado                31.0
Connecticut             32.0
Delaware                33.0
District of Columbia    26.0
Florida                 31.0
Georgia                 35.0
Hawaii                  27.0
Idaho                   31.0
Illinois                30.0
Indiana                 32.0
Iowa                    37.0
Kansas                  31.0
Kentucky                33.0
Louisiana               36.0
Maine                   35.0
Maryland                32.0
Massachusetts           32.0
Michigan                32.0
Minnesota               31.0
Mississippi             37.0
Missouri                31.0
Montana                 31.0
Nebraska                36.0
Nevada                  35.0
New Hampshire           31.0
New Jersey              32.0
New Mexico              35.0
New York                33.0
North Carolina          32.0
North Dakota            35.0
Ohio                    32.0
Oklahoma                31.0
Oregon                  30.0
Pennsylvania            31.0
Rhode Island            34.0
South Carolina          35.0
South Dakota            33.0
Tennessee               33.0
Texas                   32.0
Utah                    36.0
Vermont                 30.0
Virginia                32.0
Washington              32.0
West Virginia           36.0
Wisconsin               31.0
Wyoming                 29.0
Name: Funding Time, dtype: float64

Which states are the best and which are the worst performing in terms of this criteria ( mean project fully funded time) ??

In [108]:
fast = state_average_project_funding_time.round(0)
School State
District of Columbia    26.0
Hawaii                  27.0
Wyoming                 29.0
Vermont                 30.0
Illinois                30.0
Oregon                  30.0
Pennsylvania            31.0
Oklahoma                31.0
New Hampshire           31.0
Colorado                31.0
Name: Funding Time, dtype: float64
In [109]:
fast_funding = fast[fast<32].sort_values().head(10)
fast_funding.iplot(kind='bar' , xTitle='States' , yTitle='fully funding time(in days)',
                  title='states that fund projects earlier than others',
In [111]:
slow = state_average_project_funding_time.round(0)
slow[slow>32].sort_values(ascending = False).head(10)
School State
Mississippi      37.0
Iowa             37.0
Nebraska         36.0
Louisiana        36.0
Utah             36.0
West Virginia    36.0
Alabama          36.0
North Dakota     35.0
New Mexico       35.0
Nevada           35.0
Name: Funding Time, dtype: float64
In [114]:
slow_funding = slow[slow>32].sort_values(ascending = False).head(10)
slow_funding.iplot(kind='bar' , xTitle='States' , yTitle='fully funding time(in days)',
                  title='states that fund projects earlier than others'

End for now But you can do more , think over the limits pugger